Thursday, 27 December 2012

how to use payza in nigeria

Payza is one of nigeria’s most friendly secure online payment processor just like liberty reserve.

Online marketers, internet entrepreneurs, investors, those making payment online etc, can fund your payza account in Nigeria or any where in the world

Register for free if don’t have one for free from the link below

    They have 3 classes of account

1) Personal starter account 
  with this you can Send funds, Make payments, Shop securely Collect payments, Earn money, Exchange currencies

 2) Personal Pro account
Send funds  ,Make payments, Shop securely ,Collect payments  ,Earn money    
Exchange currencies, Sell online  ,Accept credit cards ,Invoice customers ,Use APIs ,Instant Payment Notifications, Sell as a business, Manage multiple businesses

3) Business account
Send funds, Make payments,  Shop securely ,Collect payments ,Earn money ,Exchange currencies
Sell online, Accept credit cards, Invoice customers ,Use APIs , Instant Payment Notifications                 Sell as a business, Manage multiple businesses

  If you are not running some big merchant site go for the personal Starter account its easier to verify and operate.

Visit any exchangers website that fund payza account
For me I use:        
Register with them following the instructions on their web page

-Insert your payza account (the email that you used to activate your account is your payza account number)
-Copy their local bank account number
-Go to any bank that they are using
-Pay the naira equivalent of the dollar you want in payza account
-After payment notify them within 24hrs your payza account should be funded
Note; make sure you check their exchange rate, try to contact them before paying into any ex-changers account.

more to come ! To the Future!!

Friday, 21 December 2012

Earning money online is like a six months course, but with my tips you could start making money in next few minutes from now.

1)For you to sign up with any websites you need to have online payment accounts which your earnings will be paid to, don’t freak out if you don’t have one you could sign up in six minutes, like liberty reserve and payza etc
2) You need to have internet connection you could do this from a public café but with my experience it is more efficient and easier to earn money online if you had your personal laptop and internet connection. Don’t get discouraged you could get laptops for as low as $60 that’s approximately N9600. Or even a fairly used laptop for as low as N4000 UNBELIVABLE. But to be honest those laptops sucks!! , I advice you to get a laptop of about 35k or a new one. If you got the cash its worth it

3) some site don’t accept Nigerians hmm but there’s a way out you need an i.p changer .
Note don’t frequently open your email with an ip changer except when necessary to verify your sign up . from my experience Google could lock your account.
download a free I.p changer

You will instantly receive a pop up

Click save
Open the zip folder and run the application in 3mins
I know we all love free stuff , restart your system to use it to its full potentials. This is your key to making locked money online.

4) you need to be focused don’t  be distracted while browsing if possible leave your house, go to library or even a café. Don’t open social network site like facebook or twitter.

5) Have fun while making money online take, breaks shake your body a little, you could listen to music you enjoy While browsing.

6) make sure you have enough rest. 8-10 hours of sleep every day.

7) don’t isolate yourself from friends visit people, hang out and always pray and have a good relationship with God. (Most guaranteed for success)
get one of my secret online money making method currently I was banned but I earned some few hundreds of dollars, I forgot to change my i.p address , I haven't really had time to reopen another account but earning there rocks!!
more to come! to the future!!!

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Making Your Dreams Come True!!

   Someone might say "wealth is a product of man's capacity to think" but i dare say that wealth is a product of man's capacity to act. taking steps, making moves. Getting the thought done is what commands respect. You might have good ideas and excellent plans but all that remains a dream until you have put down workable steps to achieve it you are probably just wishing a fantasy. You really need to star taking action, its on acting on those ideas it becomes a reality.

  In provbs 14:23 God says "In all labour(action) there is profit, But ideal Talk leads to Poverty"

Lets take a Clue from Archimedes's he said " Eureka! I've found it, i have moved myself and i will move the world" . Great idea will move the world but let him that will move the world move himself.

   Genesis 11:6 "now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do"
 Action guarantees that nothing will be withheld from you. The law is in motion. But what keeps people from acting ??. Its simply the want for boldness. The way to be nothing is to do nothing, so stop wondering what the future holds for you. Its you who holds something for the future, The future remains empty as long as we approach it with idle and empty hands. Hands that lack the boldness to Act!! so don't become a nuisance to the furniture around you get up and get out!.

  A chinese proverb says "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago and the second best time is Now " step out and bet on yourself. Write those songs, write that proposal take it to that company, take that loan to start up a business, start up that website that's going to metamorphise into a multi-million dollar asset. Facebook did it and Google did it also. There is always room at the top for one more. The bottom is were the crowd is don't hangout with them for too long .

  You can stay stalked as long as you want and make your dream come true when every you want it to. "just do it" that dream(idea) may be genuine but for it to become a reality, your pursuit must be hard.
            "The road to success has many parking spaces" (don't fall for it)

I cant stress the fact that it is expedient that everyone has a dream because if you don't have a dream and you're taking action you are getting no where.

 Some Months back i was chatting with a friend of mine and she was like what are you doing , whats happening, hmm that's one question  i am fueled up to answer except i don't feel like talking with the person. So i went on and on how i'd had a project running, on how i hosted seminars with some friends on making money online, about my blogging biz and all that. and she was like "wow" that she doesn't even have a plan ,no idea that she's just there and i was like " are you serious?".

A dreams is what gives your action direction . So if you don't have one create a new dream from here. ask yourself were do i envisage myself in the 10 years and what you need to accomplish in the next six months. First define your dreams then prove you're more committed to that dream by taking action. I'm not saying i have fulfilled all my dreams but every single day i work for the one's i haven't achieved and everyday i am creating  new dreams for myself. No doubt we all slack off at some point. Stretch yourself, Go where you've never been.
  "Life is a Magnificent Journey Only If We Make It That Way"
          Bob Procotor

 Don't sell your Dream out to someone else opinion. Thats the mistake people make, You'll have a lot of resistance just let it go.

  Often out there in the real world its not the smart that get ahead but the bold remember , God has not giving you the spirit of fear . You have no choice but to enter action with boldness. Successful people are not people who have eliminated all their fears rather they are people who have learned to act in spite of their fears.

Albert schweiter once said that " The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives"

   No matter where you start in life, you will  become a success the moment you realize that if its to be its up to you.
 My favorite quote ." Happy are those who dream and are Willing to pay the price to make their dream come true"
More to come! To the Future !!
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Sunday, 9 December 2012

How to Auto post Your Tweets on Facebook

   Some weeks back i created a post on how to auto tweet your facebook status but now i also want to show you an easy way to auto post your tweets on facebook, Probably you're so fond of twitter unlike me and have no time to spend on facebook. Well you could also make your facebook active by auto posting your tweets.

  To link your twitter account to your facebook profile (or page) Follow the steps outlined below

1) log into your twitter account

2) click on your profile3) click on "edit your profile"
4) Click on "post your tweets on Facebook"
    you will be redirected to your facebook login page
5) log into your facebook account and click yes to allow twitter to post your tweets automatically on facebook.

 6) If you only want your tweets to appear on your profile you click save changes, but if you want to connect it to your facebook fan page. then click "my facebook page" and then select the page you want to add and then click save

 quick and easy steps well you could also deactiveate auto posting tweets on facebook by logging in your twitter profile,and click disconnect.

more to come! To the future!!
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Saturday, 1 December 2012

How To Auto Post Your Facebook Status On twitter

Not many of us have the time to log in to twitter to update and all that, More of the we spend it on facebook and we may want to tweet the same status that we updated on facebook here's an easy way out!. I am going to give you a simple method i use to auto=post  my facebook status on twitter without logging into my twitter account. But some people don't really know how this works just follow my easy steps and your good to go.

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