Thursday, 27 December 2012

how to use payza in nigeria

Payza is one of nigeria’s most friendly secure online payment processor just like liberty reserve.

Online marketers, internet entrepreneurs, investors, those making payment online etc, can fund your payza account in Nigeria or any where in the world

Register for free if don’t have one for free from the link below

    They have 3 classes of account

1) Personal starter account 
  with this you can Send funds, Make payments, Shop securely Collect payments, Earn money, Exchange currencies

 2) Personal Pro account
Send funds  ,Make payments, Shop securely ,Collect payments  ,Earn money    
Exchange currencies, Sell online  ,Accept credit cards ,Invoice customers ,Use APIs ,Instant Payment Notifications, Sell as a business, Manage multiple businesses

3) Business account
Send funds, Make payments,  Shop securely ,Collect payments ,Earn money ,Exchange currencies
Sell online, Accept credit cards, Invoice customers ,Use APIs , Instant Payment Notifications                 Sell as a business, Manage multiple businesses

  If you are not running some big merchant site go for the personal Starter account its easier to verify and operate.

Visit any exchangers website that fund payza account
For me I use:        
Register with them following the instructions on their web page

-Insert your payza account (the email that you used to activate your account is your payza account number)
-Copy their local bank account number
-Go to any bank that they are using
-Pay the naira equivalent of the dollar you want in payza account
-After payment notify them within 24hrs your payza account should be funded
Note; make sure you check their exchange rate, try to contact them before paying into any ex-changers account.

more to come ! To the Future!!

Friday, 21 December 2012

Earning money online is like a six months course, but with my tips you could start making money in next few minutes from now.

1)For you to sign up with any websites you need to have online payment accounts which your earnings will be paid to, don’t freak out if you don’t have one you could sign up in six minutes, like liberty reserve and payza etc
2) You need to have internet connection you could do this from a public café but with my experience it is more efficient and easier to earn money online if you had your personal laptop and internet connection. Don’t get discouraged you could get laptops for as low as $60 that’s approximately N9600. Or even a fairly used laptop for as low as N4000 UNBELIVABLE. But to be honest those laptops sucks!! , I advice you to get a laptop of about 35k or a new one. If you got the cash its worth it

3) some site don’t accept Nigerians hmm but there’s a way out you need an i.p changer .
Note don’t frequently open your email with an ip changer except when necessary to verify your sign up . from my experience Google could lock your account.
download a free I.p changer

You will instantly receive a pop up

Click save
Open the zip folder and run the application in 3mins
I know we all love free stuff , restart your system to use it to its full potentials. This is your key to making locked money online.

4) you need to be focused don’t  be distracted while browsing if possible leave your house, go to library or even a café. Don’t open social network site like facebook or twitter.

5) Have fun while making money online take, breaks shake your body a little, you could listen to music you enjoy While browsing.

6) make sure you have enough rest. 8-10 hours of sleep every day.

7) don’t isolate yourself from friends visit people, hang out and always pray and have a good relationship with God. (Most guaranteed for success)
get one of my secret online money making method currently I was banned but I earned some few hundreds of dollars, I forgot to change my i.p address , I haven't really had time to reopen another account but earning there rocks!!
more to come! to the future!!!

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Making Your Dreams Come True!!

   Someone might say "wealth is a product of man's capacity to think" but i dare say that wealth is a product of man's capacity to act. taking steps, making moves. Getting the thought done is what commands respect. You might have good ideas and excellent plans but all that remains a dream until you have put down workable steps to achieve it you are probably just wishing a fantasy. You really need to star taking action, its on acting on those ideas it becomes a reality.

  In provbs 14:23 God says "In all labour(action) there is profit, But ideal Talk leads to Poverty"

Lets take a Clue from Archimedes's he said " Eureka! I've found it, i have moved myself and i will move the world" . Great idea will move the world but let him that will move the world move himself.

   Genesis 11:6 "now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do"
 Action guarantees that nothing will be withheld from you. The law is in motion. But what keeps people from acting ??. Its simply the want for boldness. The way to be nothing is to do nothing, so stop wondering what the future holds for you. Its you who holds something for the future, The future remains empty as long as we approach it with idle and empty hands. Hands that lack the boldness to Act!! so don't become a nuisance to the furniture around you get up and get out!.

  A chinese proverb says "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago and the second best time is Now " step out and bet on yourself. Write those songs, write that proposal take it to that company, take that loan to start up a business, start up that website that's going to metamorphise into a multi-million dollar asset. Facebook did it and Google did it also. There is always room at the top for one more. The bottom is were the crowd is don't hangout with them for too long .

  You can stay stalked as long as you want and make your dream come true when every you want it to. "just do it" that dream(idea) may be genuine but for it to become a reality, your pursuit must be hard.
            "The road to success has many parking spaces" (don't fall for it)

I cant stress the fact that it is expedient that everyone has a dream because if you don't have a dream and you're taking action you are getting no where.

 Some Months back i was chatting with a friend of mine and she was like what are you doing , whats happening, hmm that's one question  i am fueled up to answer except i don't feel like talking with the person. So i went on and on how i'd had a project running, on how i hosted seminars with some friends on making money online, about my blogging biz and all that. and she was like "wow" that she doesn't even have a plan ,no idea that she's just there and i was like " are you serious?".

A dreams is what gives your action direction . So if you don't have one create a new dream from here. ask yourself were do i envisage myself in the 10 years and what you need to accomplish in the next six months. First define your dreams then prove you're more committed to that dream by taking action. I'm not saying i have fulfilled all my dreams but every single day i work for the one's i haven't achieved and everyday i am creating  new dreams for myself. No doubt we all slack off at some point. Stretch yourself, Go where you've never been.
  "Life is a Magnificent Journey Only If We Make It That Way"
          Bob Procotor

 Don't sell your Dream out to someone else opinion. Thats the mistake people make, You'll have a lot of resistance just let it go.

  Often out there in the real world its not the smart that get ahead but the bold remember , God has not giving you the spirit of fear . You have no choice but to enter action with boldness. Successful people are not people who have eliminated all their fears rather they are people who have learned to act in spite of their fears.

Albert schweiter once said that " The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives"

   No matter where you start in life, you will  become a success the moment you realize that if its to be its up to you.
 My favorite quote ." Happy are those who dream and are Willing to pay the price to make their dream come true"
More to come! To the Future !!
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Sunday, 9 December 2012

How to Auto post Your Tweets on Facebook

   Some weeks back i created a post on how to auto tweet your facebook status but now i also want to show you an easy way to auto post your tweets on facebook, Probably you're so fond of twitter unlike me and have no time to spend on facebook. Well you could also make your facebook active by auto posting your tweets.

  To link your twitter account to your facebook profile (or page) Follow the steps outlined below

1) log into your twitter account

2) click on your profile3) click on "edit your profile"
4) Click on "post your tweets on Facebook"
    you will be redirected to your facebook login page
5) log into your facebook account and click yes to allow twitter to post your tweets automatically on facebook.

 6) If you only want your tweets to appear on your profile you click save changes, but if you want to connect it to your facebook fan page. then click "my facebook page" and then select the page you want to add and then click save

 quick and easy steps well you could also deactiveate auto posting tweets on facebook by logging in your twitter profile,and click disconnect.

more to come! To the future!!
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or twitter

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Saturday, 1 December 2012

How To Auto Post Your Facebook Status On twitter

Not many of us have the time to log in to twitter to update and all that, More of the we spend it on facebook and we may want to tweet the same status that we updated on facebook here's an easy way out!. I am going to give you a simple method i use to auto=post  my facebook status on twitter without logging into my twitter account. But some people don't really know how this works just follow my easy steps and your good to go.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

MTN Data Internet Bundle Plan For P.C

List of mtn bundle recent internet data bundle plans.

Plan                     data                      duration                    price                     activation code

daily                    150MB                  24hrs                        N500                       104

Night                   4.5GB                9pm-6am                     N2500                     102

Weekend            4.5GB           9pm(fri)-6am(mon)           N3000                   108

Day Time             4.5GB                (9am-9pm)                  N6000                   107

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Getting referrals can be a daunting task. If you know a little about online marketing it will do you a great deal. As i said earlier getting referrals is not an easy task as a newbie but if you could just follow steps am sure you should be getting at least 20-50 referrals monthly to any site you promote GPT,PTC,HYIP, Auto-surf sites etc.

1) Most widely used and proven steps that will get you as much referrals as possible is joining forum websites that pull lots of traffic daily. Don't be Spammy in your approach. Post on the site about your new money making site and include your referral link at the middle and end of your post there are
thousands of forums  that have over 10,000 members just sign up with about 20 of them. post your site and your referral link and let cosmic energy pull massive referrals for you.sites like

2) Download Classified ad software that submits your referral link for you,automatically to thousands of classified ads sites. you could either get a paid classified ad software or get a free one to use get a free classified ad software (subscribe to xinisblogs and like our fan page then message me on facebook)

3) Manually submit articles on classified ads site. for a list of about 50 classified ads sites click the link to view a list of classified ads sites

4) Blog about your money making site everything is all about blogging. write detailed article on your blog. post your got paid report to prove they are not signing up for a scam site, and be ready to answer post from intending prospects and remember to post your referral link in the post and update frequently.

5) Buying traffic; you get referrals from buying traffic from Ptc sitse like Clixsense and Neo bux that have lots of users or any other traffic source with audience that your offer will appeal to.

6) Social Networks- There lots of social networking site like the giant facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc just sign up them get lots of friend and invite them to join your site. You could visit some fan pages with 100,000+ fan post on their comments(dont over spam).

       If you're able to go around this circle you're sure to pull lots of pull lots of referrals in few months. with many referrals your earning just keep increasing like damn!!

more to come! to the Future!!

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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

How to Apply Twitter Follower Button To your Blog

 Add inga twitter follower button to your blogger not only increases your followers but also make your blog look unique. if your are having lots of twitter followers you will be could be making money tweeting
   Follow the simple steps below and you're good to go.

step 1 Log in to your blogger dash board
Step 2 Click on layout

Friday, 9 November 2012

Grant Writing Jobs

In 2005 , Global funders bill and Melinder gates foundation gave away $1.4 billion for charitable work in the united states and all over the world including Nigeria.
   Yearly millions of dollars are being given away for various causes through grants to NGO'S and some Governmental agencies.

 NGO's and some governmental agencies depend on these donations to undertake some projects. to be qualified for funding by funders., Fund seekers must submit well written proposals to funders. The probability of them getting these funds depend on the persuasiveness  of the proposal put together by skilled grant writers.

the grant writer is the vital connecting link between the funder and the grant seeker. Money equipment for various causes, NGO's , Charities, Educational Institution  and other agencies seeking sponsorship. The grant writers are also smiling to the bank with pay checks because they are the major backbone of successful funding.

    The demand for skilled writers is on the increase. It could either be full time or part time. there are thousands of NGO's in Nigeria and Africa seeking for grants to function effectively. there are still few skilled grant writers which opens up opportunities to those willing and capable of making money with grant writing.

   Income Potential For Grant Writers 
The income potentials are dependent on varieties of  factors like
1) Level of competence
2) Amount of Funds seeking after
3)Area of operating
4) Clients mode of Payment
5) Type of funders sought
6) The time the grant writer is willing to put in.

     Majority of NGO's and governmental agencies pay per project and this also depends on the length and complexity of the grant. It is up to grant writers to decide the amount that is comfortable with him/ her. some pay by commission, so that means their pay is tied to their ability to secure successful grants.

  Starting Up A Grant Writing Job
To become a professional and highly sought after grant writer, you need to develop your writing skills, consulting, research, public relations and budgeting well you might think its huge but if you dedicate time to study, learning and researching you will develop this skills even if you don't have any because this are some of the major areas prospective grant writer must focus on.
   Good writing and communication skills are also needed to write a good grant proposal. As a grant writer internet research skills are a must for grant writers. you need to surf the web frequently looking for special opportunities from funders to NGO's, You could also get this info on newspapers. part of the work of a grant writer to identify and select appropriate potential donors online. A formal training is also recommended to acquire the needed skill that will command your relevance.

 To Download a free ebook on a step by step Guide on becoming a Skilled Grant writter like our fan page and subscribe to xinisblogs . Message Us on Facebook to get your copy

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Saturday, 3 November 2012

What You Need To Know About Making Money Online

 Due the economic situation around the world everyone is turning to the internet for financial solutions. The internet is truly a gold mine of opportunities because some people have actually made a killing on the internet. With the internet many have quit their jobs to focus on full time online business (well you dont need to do that). Mind you there are lot of scams, pie in the sky and make millions over night but by experience i will tell you there is no such thing, but with the right awareness and hardwork you could start living your dream life. The mistake we all made at the beginning is instead of learning how to make $1 daily before thinking of $1000 and when you cant even make $1 you give up and tag the internet money making industry a SCAM well that's not right.
    Here are some tips to help you succeed making money online
- Be motivated
- Be smart
- Dont procrastinate
- Be focused
- Research, Research, Research

    With this few tips above you will be able to succeed making money online.
the next are the basic requirement to make money online.

1) You need information on any internet business you want to succeed in. If you don't have the right information, i bet it wont take time before you give up because you will be frustrated when you don't see your earning increasing. You need to research and purchase as much information on any online business stream you want to pursue.

2) You need a personal laptop or even a desktop from experience i will say your Success is limited if you don't have one, Don't get me wrong i actually started out from a cafe it wasn't easy at all buying all those airtime,typing or downloading of software's. I had to have a flash drive which helped me a lot till i was able to purchase my laptop at a fair price. except if you have a smart phone or an android tab i advise you to try as much as possible to get one. we all have to start from somewhere.

3)Time; you need to create time especially at the beginning of your online earning career, take time to research and get the basic skills and knowledge to enable you succeed in making money online. i spend nothing less than 4-6 hours a DAY online well you can do more than that or less depending on you time constrain. you should spend nothing less than 6-12 hours a WEEK. i guarantee your success if you're willing to take action.

4) Be open to new ideas ; Change your believe about making money online if not when you come across opportunities you will only see obstacles don't be pessimistic not everybody is making money the same way.

5) Seek Mentors; learn from those who are actually making money online not those who claim to. it will help you grow and help you succeed. feel free to ask questions from my experience they are always willing to help but no one is asking take a bold step today.

6) You need various online payment account like paypal, liberty reserve, payza etc and also a local bank account like savings and a domiciliary account( to cash in foreign checks). you need to have I.D cards to be able to verify some of your account e.g Driving license , International passport National I.D Card well be me i use my international passport most of the time.

   I just shared with you whats more than any making money manual,your online success is dependent on you alone. congrats for going through my success tips.

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Thursday, 1 November 2012

Make Money Online With Affilite Marketing

      Affiliate marketing is a marketing strategy that was first introduced by renowned e-commerce website they discovered the marketing strategy while trying to create an effective marketing system of promoting their website.

                         What is Affiliate Marketing

   Affiliate marketing is a specific type of marketing through which you advertise commodities offered by others on your website. Here's how it works you register with individual
companies for the sole purpose of promoting their product and they generate sales through your account you get certain amount of commission.

This marketing strategy is different from multilevel marketing because the marketers do not need to pay to promote your product or services on your behalf and earn certain commission.

 Affiliate marketing can be grouped into three different categories

   You earn commissions ranging from 20%-75% on every sale your affiliates generate through your affiliate link or advertising. Its been said that the highest potential of earnings is made on C.P.S.

   This system is very unique for every action a customer makes towards the seller you earn. Some pro C.P.A Affiliates make as much as $100 daily without even having a website through the use of social media.

   If you a blogger or own a website you could utilize this system you earn a certain amount per click on the advertisement on your site. Google and some other sites offer this system of affiliate marketing.

   Instead of starting your own online business for a product or service why don't you market someone Else's instead?

   The popularity of affiliate marketing is on the increase and become more profitable the best thing is that you don't need physical resources or capital to start up your online bossiness.

                           How To Choose An Affiliate Marketing Merchant

  Affiliate marketing as i just explained is one of the many ways to making money online as i just outlined. simply this is the relationship between you and a web based company and the buyer. On C.P.A merchants pay a certain amount of money or commission for every site visitor that performs an action. Much of the affiliate commissions are made from on C.P.S, So when promoting an affiliate product on C.P.S choose a product that has high gravity, run a key word search on Google Adwords key tool that has high search and less competition.

So if you have been looking for a profitable online biz i just highlighted one for you. you could start promoting some affiliate products on your website or blog. if you don't have any product to sale you could start marketing someone Else's. Its still much easier to make money selling your own product.  there is still more to affiliate marketing i will updating on various legit sites you could make money with affiliate marketing.

 More to come!To the Future!!
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leave your comments  below if any questions or more ideas on affiliate marketing.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

How To Add Feed Burner To Blogger Blog

  Feed burner enables your blog viewers to subscribe to your blog which enables them read your blog updates in their inbox. Feed burner was founded by Dick Costolo, Eric Lunt, Steve Olechowski, Matt Shobe on june 3rd 2007 which was later acquired by google.

  If you're on Google Adsense, you could earn money on Adsense for feeds. anytime you update your blog your Subcribers receive your update in their Indox and when they click on the ads you earn. They dont even need to visit your blog before you earn with Adsense for feeds.

feed burner is unique widget that every blogger should  have, all feed burner features are easy to manage right from the feed burner dash board.
   let get down to the steps i made this real quick and quite easy
step 1

step 2

                                     Step 3

                                    Step 4

                               Step 5

                     Step 6

                    Step 7
                         Step 8

                            Step 9
   Go to layout

                            Step 10

      Scroll down and click add html/java script

                                  Step 11

                       Step 12
 you could position your feed burner any you want it to be then save arrangement

                         Step 13
 wow our feed burner is live, you could this steps to add feed burner to all your blogs


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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Tips On Choosing Your Future Career path

Choosing a career can be a daunting task, there's a lot fuss about choosing a career path. We Tend to choose Our career because Our parents gets to choose for us, because our friends intend to read the same course or because you feel you will get rich if you get to study a certain course. If any of the following is your reason  for reading a certain course then you got it all wrong. Choosing a future career path is much more than most of us think, we need to take into consideration some key factors which i will be highlighting today.

                    Points To Consider When Choosing A Career
 1). Look at your academic and Vocational strength from your school work. For instance if  you're really good with your hands then you may enjoying being a technician, if you excel in mathematics and sciences then you may consider engineering and technology based careers that will build on your strength. its not all about the money.

2). Find out your own strength and weakness take into account things you enjoy doing and look for careers to build on your strength

3). Do you have any skill that you can build on for a career?. Think hard about your skills such as creating things, vivid imagination, playing an instruments, photography etc. We all have untapped skills that we use everyday. Even cleaning dishes is a skill, although i wont advise anyone to do that for a living.

4). Research, Research, Research about your choice, you may never stop researching. find out all you need to know about your choice. Today the internet is a gold mine of information its not all about facebooking, tweeting, Snapchatting etc. Everything you need to know has already been uploaded, so its all to your benefit.

5) Talk to your family and friends about their career choices and what they do on a typical day. learn from their experience and those of others.

6) Seek for mentors who have been successful in your chosen career. ask them questions on how they got to were they are. Most of the time they are always willing to help but no one is asking take a bold step today.

7)Set goals for yourself, be inspired, get excited of on what you want to do.

8)Seek parents and teachers guidance after all they know you better than anyone else and will always have your interest at heart.

   In addition to the above there is one more thing that you must do, that is to identify your 'personality' knowing your personality attributes will help in guiding you to the type of work you will be successful and and hopefully enjoy been used to asses a persons personality and the banner of psychology and psychometric and aptitude testing. they are using a well proven test to asses an individuals personality and attributes. For career choices purposes knowing what type of person you will greatly assist in guiding you.

  Try out some it fun doing it

 So get excited about your career choice, work hard , Never let go your dreams, think about helping others along the way, your chosen career is the best choice for you.

 Strive To Be The Very Best

more to come! to the future!!
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Monday, 22 October 2012

MTN 2012/2013 Scholarship For Undergraduate

MTN 2012/2013 foundation scholarship is open for undergraduate students in very peculiar courses in pure sciences and also social sciences. the list of courses eligible for MTN 2012/2013 foundation scholarship are listed below.

  • Accountancy/Accounting
  • Agric. Extension and Rural Development
  • Agricultural Science
  • Agronomy
  • Animal Breeding and Genetics
  • Animal Nutrition
  • Animal Production and Health
  • Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
  • Applied Physics
  • Architecture
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer and Electronics
  • Computer and Information Science
  • Computer and Mathematics
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electrical/Electronics Engineering
  • Electronics and Computer Technology
  • Electronics Engineering
  • Engineering Physics
  • Geophysics
  • Industrial Mathematics
  • Industrial Physics
  • Information Technology
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
  • Petroleum and Gas Engineering
  • Physics Electronics
  • Physics/ Computational Modeling
  • Pure/ Applied Physics
  • Statistics
  • Statistics and Computer Science
  • System Engineering
Terms And Conditions
-Applicants from college of education and public universities must be full time undergraduate in 200 level or 2nd year students
-Applicants from college of education and public universities must maintain a minimum CPGA of 3.5 or its equivalent 2;1
-Applicants from public polytechnics must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 from OND programme and must have secured admission in HND
-Direct entry level students must have GPA of 3.0 from the OND programme and must have secured admission into 200level/2nd year degree programme in a public university.
-Current beneficiaries of the MTN foundation science and technology award are not eligible to apply 
-The MTN foundation reserves the right to suspend or cancel a scholarship award if it is discovered that an awardee provided false information

 The MTN scholarship is worth 200,000 per student for the duration of an academic year and is paid at the beginning  of each academic session.

NOTE; Closing date is Monday the 29th of October 2012
           Names of successful candidates will be published in the National dailies 

Click here to apply for MTN FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Nigerian blogs Awards 2012 Nominees Released

since 2010 Nigerian blogs awards has been giving awards to the best bloggers in different niches. Well at the moment my blog is still young i don't kind of fit there for now, still up coming sure by next year i should be among the nominees.
 Nominations ended some weeks back on the 19/10/2012 Nigerian blogs released the nominees for 2012 

xinisblogs congratulates all the Nominees. but my vote goes out to:
- best tutorial blog goes to adegbulu limitless of  Make Money online Nigeria
 -Best Entertainment Blog goes to Linda Ikeji of
 -Overall Nigerian blog of the year Jide Ogunsanya of ogbonge blog

Voting commences on Monday October 22nd To Sunday November 11 2012

Thursday, 18 October 2012

How To Create A Facebook Fan Page

Creating a Facebook fan page is a very easy task much easier than i thought. Well i received a message from my cousin sister on facebook asking me to teach her how to create fan page on facebook well today that what am going to do. Its a pictorial guide just follow my steps and you're good to go!

 Step 1. Log into your facebook account Step 2. Scroll down to foot of your Facebook page

Step 3. Select one of the following that your fan page will be about

Step 4

Step 5
Select any one of the below page types based on what your page is about.


Step 6

Step 7
 Step 8
Step 9

  You've just created a new facebook fan page. You could create as many fan pages as you like for business or Just a personal fan page.

More to come! to the future!!

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Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Free Download Of The Periodic Table

 As a science student we all have to use the periodic table at one point in time or the other.  I stumbled across a periodic table software. its very unique easy to understand and compatible with all windows. the application contains all the elements in the periodic table along with images of the elements in their natural states as well as lots of other information and interactive displays. its also compatible with Iphones, Ipads and Andriods.

- powerful and comprehensive searching
- detailed information on each element, it isotopes, allotropes, compounds and images( over 300 in total)
- it has the diagram of the electron shell of each element
- Atomic width diagram
- information on each elements reaction with water, air, halogens and acids
- it contains biographies of important scientists and element discoveries
- it has a tool box with over 330 physical constant and over 6400 formulae
- it has a map that shows the location of elements found
   seriously it contains much more , its a masterpies for E-learning

    Download periodic table v3,8.5

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Amazing How Your Shoe Size Can Tell Your Age!

Hey Guys Try This out
 write down your shoe size
 multiply it by 50
 add 50 to it
 multiply your ans by 20
 add 1012 to it
 subtract the year you were born from it
 the first two digits is your shoe size while the last two digits is your age
 tada tell me if am wrong!!

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Monday, 15 October 2012

How To Buy Stuffs from Amazon with your ATM Card


  A lot of  people have been wondering if it is possible to buy stuffs from amazon in Nigeria with a Nigerian issue credit card and my answer is YES!.
   The reason there is a little problem in buying from amazon is that amazon is selective when it comes to items been shipped to Nigeria. In the post i will be telling you how i use my Gtbank usd denomination visa card to purchase products from amazon and how i get it shipped to Nigeria.
   Firstly i obtained my Gtbank visa card which i was able to get because i have a domiciliary account with Gtbank. if you don't have one you could visit any Gtbank branch close to you and open your domiciliary account with $100(approximately 16k). All you need is an id card which could be a driving license,an International passport or national Id card. For me i used an International passport. also you need two referees that operate a Gtbank account.

The next thing i did which you should do is obtain a U.S Virtual address. i will list two options here.
 1) Graphcard ; Graphcard offers numerous services which include a dedicated Us address and phone number and ability to procure a virtual visa credit card tied to you U.S address(you could use this in case your Nigerian card is not accepted). they can help you ship your goods to Nigeria at affordable rates.
 2) honts global service. Unlike graph card, hont global service is a modern freight shopping and logistic company providing domestic and international cargo solutions to global destinations at a subsidized rate. for me i use hont global service. your shippment is charged  mainly per pound weight or kilogram per weight.

     You could also purchase an amazon gift card from amazon using your visa card for people who may not able to make payment without a credit card.

     At this point head on to

click on payment option

click on add credit card

insert your visa card number(number at the front of  your card were your name is)
type in your full name on your visa card
select the expiry date on the the card e.g 02,2015
scroll down to the billing address

-Fill in your full name
-Fill in the location of your bank address
-Nigerian zip code is 234
-Include your correct phone number
-Click on use this address
The next thing to do is to set your address were you will be receiving your shipment from amazon
   How do i do it?
 Scroll down to settings

   - Click on add new address

    After filling the info above
    Click Save & Continue

NOTE; Make sure you fill in your correct house or office address to avoid unnecessary delays.
Add your Nigeria address and your U.S address, so you could purchase products that are not             shipped directly to Nigeria.

 You can now go back to your home page and select any item you wish to buy.
  Delivery dates; Once you have placed an an estimated delivery date or date range as well as the cost would be automatically calculated based on the destination the product will be shipped to.

 They include, Books, Magazines, VHS, Videotapes,CDs,DVRs

Includes, Automotive products, Baby Clothing, Consumer electronics, Phones, Health and Personal care, Industrial and scientific, Jewelries, Pet supplies, Shoes, Video games and Laptops. This is were hont global service and graph card come in.

 More to come! to the future!!

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